Sunday 27 November 2011

First Post

This is the first time I've ever written a blog, or diary for that matter. It's not really my sort of thing to write down things, especially not about myself. Its not because I'm a boring person, I don't think that at all. Its more of the fact I don't really talk about myself, I'd rather listen to other peoples stories, or tell people about other peoples stories. I tried it a couple of times, writing a diary, but I would forget to keep writing or just not be bothered to keep going.

So the reason for why I'm writing this? Why I'm writing something that's going to annoy me at some point in the near future? It was really a discussion with friends that started it off or maybe the film. We had just watched the film One Day (great film) and the conversation got onto the possibilities of seeing one day in our lives for a lot of years and of course the conversation progressed to keeping diaries just to see what we were doing this day last year. We discussed also what we had done this year trying to remember and realising we'd done a lot, more than we had realised. We reminisced about how much fun we'd had, the random days out, the great holidays, the funny bits, the moments we'd forgotten and how funny they were now. I thought about how great it would of been if I'd of written them moments somewhere so I can look back at the whole day and not just little snippets that I can just about remember, silly things that would of helped, like a single picture taken or why we were there in the first place. Even something simple like the weather that day.

I'd realised that this year had gone by so fast it's coming upto christmas yet again and soon it will be 2012, I feel that I've blinked and missed this year and I don't want that feeling again, I want to get to the end of 2012 and be able to look back at everything, even the little things like the weather and what mood I was in, I want to feel like I've at least lived in the year not just skipped over it to the end.

So I'm going to try and write in this blog/diary at least every week for an update, even if I did nothing that week, I'll write something so I know I didn't waste a year.

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